Initial Ideas
Initial Ideas is an important part of planning as it allows myself and Joe to express our thoughts of what we think will be a good idea to use in our music video. We have conducted many mind maps and verbal discussions about possible narratives, songs, possible locations and we have briefly looked at cast that we may require for these different options. Below is the initial mind map in which we created to try and get a better understanding of which idea will be best for us to create. The notes that have an '*' next to them are for the story line about the boyfriend and girlfriend however everything else is for the other story line.
After having thought about which idea would be best myself and Joe decided to go with the idea about the young boy who has an alcoholic mum. Below is the mind map in which we have created in more detail based around the story line that we will be making. We thought about the themes and how powerful we could make this video and decided that we will need to include certain aspects in order to make the audience feel moved when watching our piece. We also thought about the cast that we would need and what they would need to be wearing in order to fit the genre of the music video, the cats is only a potential cast as we are not 100% sure if the cast are able to make our shoot however we think that the day we shoot should not be an issue as they are normally free of an evening during the week.
We have also made sure to plan our equipment that we would need for the production of our piece so that we know exactly what we will be using. The locations have also been finalized for our product as we are easily going to be able to film in all of these as we will not need permission for a landowner as all of these places are public; other than a house which we will be using Joe's so therefore it will not be an issue.