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Different Types of Music Videos

Types of Music Videos:


1. Performance


This type of music video is a video that captures a live performance of a band/artist, showing the excitement of a live event. These videos do not have a specific message for the audience and are purely performance based. This is often used in music videos for the metal, punk and country genres and often consist of many close up shots of the artist looking into the camera. I do not think that we will create a performance based music video as we do not know anyone who can dance/sing/act ell enough in order to make the video look the best it could be. An example of a performance based music video is Single Ladies by Beyonce.

2. Narrative


This type of music video is one that tells a story, e.g. a beginning, middle and an end. They can appear to be like a short film however without any dialogue, they were very popular in the 1980's and still used today in the hip hop and country genres. Audiences can often see a clear relation between the lyrics and the visuals throughout the video, the lyrics must be clear in the song i.e not rapping, so that the audience can understand what the music video is all about. Very rarely do you see a close up of a singer or a musician in this type of music video so it could be a possibility for myself and Joe. An example of a narrative based music video is 1-800-273-8255 by Logic.

3. Conceptual

This type of music video is a wider category full of all music videos which are neither performance based nor narrative. These videos use visuals that are appropriate to the tempo of the song, e.g a slow song would use very slow cuts and slow acting to fit the song. They are based on a concept or a theme and usually attract a certain audience based upon the theme of the music video. Concept music videos are also harder to create than the other two types as the content is usually unusual and many producers could become too distracted and create a very confusing music video so the audience do not understand it. This is a possible type of music video that we could create as I believe that we could be very imaginative with this. An example of a conceptual music video is Paradise by Coldplay.


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