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Questionnaires are an important part of creating a successful music video. We created a questionnaire that had nine different questions and the answers to these questions will help us to create a good music video. The questionnaire also gives us more of an insight as to what different ages and gender prefer to see in a music video, this means that we can include certain features to try and please the majority of ages and both genders. Below is the questionnaire that we have created followed by the responses from the 15 people that we asked to answer our questionnaire.

Here are our responses to the questionnaire above:

This was our first question, we asked this so that we could find out what different aged people preferred so that we had more of an idea of who our target audience would be for our music video. As you can see we interviewed 6 people between the age of 14-21, 3 people aged 22-31, 2 people aged 32-41, 3 people 42-51 and 1 person between 62-71. 

We asked this question as much like the first question it allowed us to understand our target audience a lot more than we could before. We interviewed 9 males and 6 females for our questionnaire as we felt that this gave us a good amount of opinions based on both genders and we will try to include aspects that both genders would like in our music video so that it can be as successful as possible.

We included this question in the questionnaire as it allowed us to see what ages are more likely to watch music videos. As you can see from the chart to the left everyone said that they watch music videos. This information was useful to find out as it allows us to focus on every age group to try and include something that they will all want to see within a music video. 

This question gave myself and Joe more of an understanding of how much time people actually devote to watching music videos, 9 people said that they watch music videos everyday which suggests that creating a successful music video is going to be very important. However, many of the others said that they only watch music videos twice a week or once a week, these people are more likely to be within the older age groups as they are less likely to listen to music through a music video.  

This question in my opinion was the most useful question for us. It allowed us to understand what genre of music video the people that we interviewed preferred. Many people prefer indie/alternative music videos which is useful as that is the type of genre that myself and Joe were thinking of creating our music video based around. We can also see that pop is quite a pop genre so that could be a possibility if we cannot find any song in the indie/alternative genre that we like. 

This was another important question for us as it allowed us to understand what the audience like to see within a music video. Myself and Joe must include these features within our music video in order to make it as successful as possible. As you can see, relatable topics and close up shots of the artist are the most likable features in a music video and therefore we will try to create a music video which many people in the audience can relate to and we will also try to include many close up shots of the artist to break up the narrative. 

We asked this question as we thought that it would be useful finding out other music videos that the people answering our questionnaire enjoy. This is so that we can have a look at these music videos and try to find out as to why they enjoy these and try to use similar features within our piece to make it as successful as possible.

This question allowed us to understand what type of music video that the audience prefer. We asked this so that we knew what most of them liked and therefore we could mainly focus on that type of music video. As you can see in the chart, many people have different opinions however all 3 got a similar amount of votes. Narrative came out on top with 6 people voting for it, whereas conceptual got 5 and performance got 4. From these results I think that we will try to include aspects from all three as they all seem popular and therefore if we include all three, more people are likely to enjoy the video.

This was our final question in our questionnaire, we felt as if it was useful finding out what people watch music videos on because we could then promote our music video on these apps/streaming sites. As you can see Youtube is the most common which I thought would be the case, however a few people watch music videos on TV channels. I think we would put our music video onto Youtube as this would be the most effective place to put a music video in my opinion.


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