Choosing The Brief
When deciding on what brief we were going to do we had to think about the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities that it would give to us. Below are 3 SWOT diagrams that I have created after Joe and I had gone through the main 3 briefs that we were considering about doing. At the bottom of the page I will conclude on what brief we have chosen and why we have decided to go with that brief.
Music Video
- Have a lot of freedom, can base the song around whatever topic you wish.
- Can make the video relatable to people's everyday life to attract the audience more.
- Entertain the audience
- Music video can help tell the story that the song is originally made about.
- No need to worry about dialogue/sound
- Making sure that lip syncing is done correctly and looks professional
- Filming shots of a band playing instruments could be difficult as nor Joe or I play an instrument.
- Choosing the right song, if the song does not go with the music video then people may be confused.
- Have to get permission to use the song.
- Can be imaginative with locations and dress codes as there are no generic conventions to a music video.
- Some music videos have no story line, just random video clips which can look very effective (Come by Jain).
- Can improve editing skills in order to make the music video look professional and effective.
- Learn new skills, e.g. lip syncing
- Undertake a new task which I have never done before.
-If lip syncing is not done well then the whole music video could be out of time which would look bad.
- The audience may not be able to relate to the song.
- People may be confused by a music video which has no proper story line.
- Need to get actors who have previous experience, new actors may find it hard to act in a music video as they may laugh if they have to sing into the camera.
Short Film
- Short but precise film.
- Have direction, need to follow generic conventions so will not be mislead.
- Have previous experience in this brief.
-Have to think about the sound and dialogue within your piece unlike the music video.
- May not have enough freedom as need to stick to the conventions.
- Could be hard to fit a beginning, middle and an end in a short film.
- Heavily dependant on cinematography.
- Can be imaginative in what to include as long as it is within the conventions of the chosen genre.
- Can extend my knowledge on creating short films.
- Can include a large variety amount of shots.
- Cannot use copyrighted music
- May not be able to come up with an idea
- Longer time than a music video so will have to film more shots.
- May not have a clear narrative as not enough time to explain the narrative
- Very effective if you can get the message across to the audience.
- Will learn new facts whilst making the documentary.
- Can pick a topic that you are passionate about.
- Finding out the information to include.
- Difficult to get enough shots and enough dialogue that is clear for the audience to understand.
-Could be difficult to find a proper actor who is confident in front of the camera.
- Can extend my general knowledge.
- Can include many facts and figures.
- Can add an aspect of humor.
- Finding an actor
- Filming in enough locations to keep the audience interested.
- Documentary will need to be of an interesting topic.
- Need to do a lot of research on the topic.
- Cannot film on your own as would need a big crew there.
Overall, we have decided that we will do a music video, this is based upon the fact that it will give us the most amount of freedom and we believe that not having to worry about a soundtrack is a lot more useful to us and means that we can focus on the performance and narrative more making our overall piece stronger. I also feel as if we can be more imaginative with a music video as we would not have to follow any generic conventions of a certain sub genre meaning we can either choose a story line music video or go with a random music video which entertains the audience.